What Is Good To Drink After A Workout? Here 6 Recomendation

What Is Good To Drink After A Workout

During exercise, the body expends a lot of energy, sugar, and electrolytes. This makes us have to restore the body's condition, as usual, to carry out normal activities properly. Rest is the right way, but it takes a long time, so drinking a drink can be a choice.

Not just drinking, after exercise, the body needs a drink that is good for health, even avoiding the effects of aches. Water has become a common thing and cannot be replaced because water itself provides neutral fluids to the body. To handle the body properly, here are six drinks that are good to drink after a workout. 

1. Coconut water

What Is Good To Drink After A Workout Coconut Water

As reported by Mensjournal, coconut water contains electrolyte ions that the body needs to increase stamina and replace sodium that comes out of sweat. The electrolytes in coconut water have high amounts of potassium and magnesium. Some of the roles include:

Potassium builds protein, maintains normal body growth, builds muscle, and builds carbohydrates. 

Magnesium aids in the activation of vitamin D and is widely associated with bone health and growth. 

Electrolytes are needed by the body to function normally, located in cells, tissues, body fluids, blood, and sweat. 

When it feels like your mouth can't accept water or have just done light exercise, you can drink coconut water. With it, the body will be more hydrated.

2. Chocolate milk

What Is Good To Drink After A Workout Chocolate milk

According to the 2016 Diponegoro Medical Journal, it is said that chocolate milk has a positive impact on the body's recovery after doing intense or aerobic exercise. 

Chocolate milk is high in protein and carbohydrates, so many believe it can also replace lost nutrients. But the presence of milk does not really make a big difference between water. So you can drink chocolate milk as a source of carbohydrates after exercise, not to replace fluids in the body.

3. Yogurt

What Is Good To Drink After A Workout Yogurt

Don't like milk? Yogurt can be a substitute. Eating yogurt after exercise can fill your empty stomach with a tired body.

As reported by Healthline, choosing plain yogurt, aka natural, without taste, will be better. When you do cardio exercise, the benefits of yogurt begin to play a role in strengthening muscles and providing new energy. With the protein content in it, you can also consume fruit together to receive more benefits. The body will receive protein, carbohydrates, electrolytes, and antioxidants. 

4. Orange juice

What Is Good To Drink After A Workout Orange Juice

Drinking orange juice contributes to hydration the same way water and isotonic drinks do. No artificial juices such as syrup, orange juice referred to here are real oranges made into drinks. The sugar in it is enough to replace the sugar lost from the body. 

In addition, orange juice contains carbohydrates and potassium, and vitamin C, which has a powerful antioxidant, according to a report in the Journal of Nutrition and Health Sciences.

5. Isotonic drink

What Is Good To Drink After A Workout Isotonic Drink

It's no stranger for sure; many people usually consume isotonic drinks to restore the body's energy, including athletes. Containing electrolytes and carbohydrates as much as 6-8 percent, isotonic drinks are very effective. But do not always rely on this drink because it will not be good if it is too much. 

According to a WebMD alert, this isotonic drink should only be consumed after exercise because its benefits are replacing energy, sugar, and electrolytes that have been lost.

6. Tea

What Is Good To Drink After A Workout Tea

According to NCBI research, both green tea and black tea help the body break down fat into energy. Green tea itself is also able to strengthen muscles and eliminate fatigue quickly. Do not consume packaged. It is better to choose tea without sugar because it is not healthy for digestion and hinders the fat-burning process.

Male athletes admit to receiving many benefits from consuming tea after intense exercise from a study conducted in the International Society of Sports Nutrition Journal. Tea does not provide antioxidants and prevents the body from experiencing DOMS or delayed-onset muscle soreness, which we usually know is muscle pain the next day after exercise.

Those are some drinks that good to drink after a workout. There are different benefits. Now you can choose the one that is more suitable for your body. Adjust to what is needed so that the results obtained can also be felt.