Tofu vs Tempe, Which is Healthier and Better Benefits?

Tofu vs Tempe, Which is Healthier and Rich in Benefits?

For centuries, tofu and tempeh have been favourite foods for Indonesians. Its popularity has never decreased from the past until now. Because both foods are known to be excellent protein sources but can be obtained at a low price.

In addition to protein, there are many other nutrients that they contain, such as good fats and various minerals. Not only that, tofu and tempeh also have minimal health risks even though they are consumed every day.

When viewed from the raw material, tofu and tempeh are both made from soybeans. But apparently, both have differences in terms of nutrition, you know. Which one is healthier?

1. The difference between tofu and tempeh in terms of manufacture

Tofu vs Tempe, Which is Healthier and Rich in Benefits?

We know that tofu and tempeh are both made from soybeans. But the two foods have very different processing processes.

Tofu is made by grinding soybeans that have been washed, peeled, and soaked. After getting a smooth texture, the soybeans are cooked until boiling and then filtered with a cloth. The dough is then allowed to stand and pressed until solid.

Meanwhile, making tempeh begins with soaking soybeans overnight and peeling them. After that, boil and dry the soybeans. Before printing, we must add yeast to it and stand at room temperature for up to 60 hours. Therein lies the main difference between tempeh and tofu.

2. Comparison of nutrients between tofu and tempeh

Tofu vs Tempe, Which is Healthier and Rich in Benefits?

As we understand, tofu and tempeh are good in vegetable protein which is good for the body. However, even though they are similar, they both have some differences in nutritional aspects.

First, reported by Healthline, the protein content in tofu is lower than tempeh. The number of calories it contains is also much smaller, so it is suitable for dieting. Even so still, know as a good source of protein.

Meanwhile, tempeh contains higher protein and calories than tofu, likewise with fibre. You can consume it to improve the digestive process that is problematic.

3. Tofu and tempeh have several benefits in common

Tofu vs Tempe, Which is Healthier and Rich in Benefits?

There are differences. There are also similarities. Tofu and tempeh have some similar benefits for our bodies. Here are some of them:

Contains good vegetable protein, which is healthier than animal protein;

Contains good fats without cholesterol that can be healthy for the heart;

Contains good isoflavones, substances that resemble estrogen. By consuming it, the body is better protected from cancer and heart disease;

So much calcium for healthy bones and teeth.

4. Tempe has one advantage over tofu

Tofu vs Tempe, Which is Healthier and Rich in Benefits?

Even so, when viewed from the content, tempeh has one advantage over tofu. Because it is produced from the fermentation process, this food contains prebiotics.

Prebiotics are natural fibres that increase the number of good bacteria in our digestive organs. There are many benefits that we can get by consuming it. The body is not easily affected by inflammation, bad cholesterol can decrease, the digestive process is smoother, and it is good for memory.

Furthermore, reported by The Healthy, the tempeh fermentation process also increases the content of other nutrients. These include B vitamins and iron.

5. Tofu is also superior in one respect to tempeh

Tofu vs Tempe, Which is Healthier and Rich in Benefits?

Not to be outdone, tofu also has advantages over tempeh. This soft textured food is safer to consume every day for anyone. People who want to avoid gluten and have Celiac disease can eat it without fear of causing problems. Because tofu does not contain yeast like tempeh.

Broadly speaking, tofu and tempeh have many benefits for the body. The difference between these two favourite foods of the Indonesian people lies in the prebiotic content in tempeh.

But the rest, tofu and tempeh, are sources of vegetable protein recommended and safe for consumption in the long term. So, which one do you prefer?