Know Hematohidrosis, When the Body Sweats Blood

Know Hematohidrosis, When the Body Sweats Blood

Every human being has sweat glands in all parts of the body. Sweat has many benefits for the body. One of the most widely known functions of sweat is body temperature to keep it normal.

Generally, the sweat released by the body is water which contains protein, urea, ammonia, and sodium. Then, what happens if the body sweats in the form of blood?

What causes it, and is it dangerous? Here to see the full explanation below!

1. Definition of hematidrosis

Know Hematohidrosis, When the Body Sweats Blood

As reported by Healthline, hematidrosis is an infrequent condition where the body will sweat like blood. Cases of bloody sweat or hematidrosis are sporadic. Many people do not know that this condition is true.

In fact, there have been several reports of people experiencing bloody sweat. Hematidrosis can occur throughout the body. However, the most common causes of hematidrosis are on the face.

2. Causes of hematidrosis

Know Hematohidrosis, When the Body Sweats Blood

The exact cause of hematidrosis is not yet known. The occurrence of sporadic cases of hematidrosis makes information about hematidrosis limited. However, the Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD) reported that the blood that comes out of sweat is likely caused by the rupture of tiny capillaries in the skin.

Some cases are associated with systemic disease, high blood pressure, bleeding disorders, overactivity, fear, and intense emotional stress.

3. Signs and symptoms of hematidrosis

Know Hematohidrosis, When the Body Sweats Blood

The main sign and symptom of hematidrosis is the discharge of blood through sweat. In addition, some signs and symptoms caused by hematidrosis include:

  • Tears come out in the form of blood. This condition is known as hemolacria
  • Have blood otorrhea, which is blood coming out of the ear
  • Vulnerable to dehydration

4. Diagnosis of hematidrosis

Know Hematohidrosis, When the Body Sweats Blood

As reported by WebMD, if someone has hematidrosis, the doctor will ask about the bleeding, including how long it lasts and when and how often it occurs. The doctor will also talk about your general health, health problems, and the medical history of close family members.

Not only that, the doctor will conduct further examinations to diagnose the cause of hematidrosis. As reported by Medical News Today, several supporting examinations will be carried out, such as:

  • Blood test. This blood test is used to see if the number of platelets and red and white blood cells is within normal ranges.
  • Perform a biopsy of the hematidrosis area to test for abnormal cells
  • Psychological test
  • Neurological examination

5. Treatment of hematidrosis

Know Hematohidrosis, When the Body Sweats Blood

The exact cause of hematidrosis is not known, so there are no fixed guidelines for treating hematidrosis. Still, based on information from Medical News Today, several studies show that giving beta-blocker drugs can slow or stop bleeding due to hematidrosis.

Psychological counselling can help with hematidrosis. If patients with hematidrosis experience depression and anxiety.

That's a complete explanation of hematidrosis. Although hematidrosis looks scary, there is no strong evidence that hematidrosis is a dangerous condition.