5 Superfoods that Should Not Be Consumed in Excess, What Are They?

Superfoods that Should Not Be Consumed in Excess

The first time the term "superfood" was used in history was when the banana was introduced in the early 20th century. At that time, bananas were considered a food rich in nutrients that were good for the body.

Along with developing discoveries, knowledge, and various researches in the health sector, many foods are considered superfoods or superfoods.

In general, superfoods are characterized by being rich in nutrients and low in calories. While there are many advantages to consuming superfoods, consuming them in excess is also potentially bad for your health.

What types of superfoods should not be consumed in excess? Check out the following review.

1. Broccoli

Superfoods that Should Not Be Consumed in Excess

As reported by Verywell Fit, 91 grams of broccoli contains only 31 calories, 6 grams of carbohydrates, and 0.3 grams of fat. In addition, broccoli is also known to be rich in fibre, protein, vitamin C, potassium, and other vitamins and minerals.

But there is one thing you need to know about broccoli. Citing LiveScience, it is said that consuming too much broccoli and other similar vegetables (such as kale, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts) can increase the risk of intestinal irritation and cause flatulence or gas.

2. Avocado

Superfoods that Should Not Be Consumed in Excess

Avocados have been recognized as a superfood in recent years due to their high nutritional content. As reported by Healthline, as much as 100 grams of avocado can meet a quarter of adult vitamin K needs, one-fifth of folate needs, and one-tenth of daily vitamin E needs. This fruit is also rich in omega-3 and fibre. Great, huh?

However, as explained on the Eat This, Not That! Page, consuming too much avocado can also increase the risk of inflammation in the arteries, causing gas in the digestive tract and stomach upset.

In addition, Health, avocados are not only nutrient-dense but also have a high number of calories. Like other calories, too much intake can lead to weight gain.

3. Salmon

Superfoods that Should Not Be Consumed in Excess

Salmon is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation. Salmon weighing 85 grams can meet almost 30 per cent of the daily protein needs of adults.

Unfortunately, according to a 2011 report in the journal NDT Plus, excessive consumption of omega-3s can harm the body. Among them is an adverse effect on the number of blood platelets and can thin the blood.

In addition, quoting from Harvard Health Publishing, eating too much salmon can increase mercury levels in the blood.

4. Kombucha

Superfoods that Should Not Be Consumed in Excess

Kombucha is a fermented tea that is rich in nutrients. This drink is known to be high in antioxidants and probiotics. Kombucha is increasingly in demand and is becoming one of the choices in a healthy diet with a detoxification function.

Although it offers many health benefits, as reported by RxList, kombucha is not beneficial for people with weak immune systems. This is because kombucha contains various types of bacteria and yeast. After all, it is served raw and has not been completely pasteurized.

5. Hummus

Superfoods that Should Not Be Consumed in Excess

Hummus is a Middle Eastern dish traditionally made from ingredients considered superfoods, such as chickpeas or chickpeas, sesame paste or tahini, garlic, and olive oil.

In the market, now there are many ready-to-eat hummus products. As reported by Medical News Today, as with processed or ready-to-eat foods generally, there is a risk of obesity and various other diseases. Not to mention the high content of sodium, the addition of unnecessary oil to preservatives.

Those are some types of superfoods that should not be consumed in excess. Consume it in wise portions and vary it with various other healthy foods through a balanced nutritious, healthy diet. For optimal results, balance it with regular exercise, get enough rest, and manage stress well!