5 Simple Exercises at Home, Strengthen the Immune System

As cases of the new coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) increase, especially after a long holiday, people are constantly reminded about health protocols.

Although it aims to prevent the spread of COVID-19 so that it doesn't spread and increase, on the one hand, people are confused about how to stay fit if they prioritize staying at home? Those who usually jog must be absent first. Those who usually go to the gym have to take time off first. Anyway, exercise is completely limited because you can't leave the house.

In fact, in addition to flexing the body, exercising can also improve the immune system, especially amid public panic about this pandemic.

What is the immune system?

Simple Exercises at Home

Do you know what the immune system is? Maybe it has been explained since Biology lessons in elementary school. However, we want to remind again what is the immune system and its uses.

Just a brief explanation, as the name suggests, the immune system or immune system is what fortifies the human body from disease. In length, the immune system has various processes to expel various pathogens, from bacteria to viruses, out of the body.

The immune system does this by triggering an inflammatory effect on the body. So, when a virus or bacteria attacks, your body has a fever or pain here and there. It is your body's "alarm" for you to rest and let the immune system work.

The way the immune system works is almost the same as what medical personnel called for some time ago:


Think of the medical staff as the world's immune system fighting against COVID-19 so that you don't feel the suffocation. Well, if you can take a break and let your immune system work, let's support the medical personnel who are struggling against COVID-19 by taking a break and resting at home. Reduce leaving the house when it's not urgent.

Back to the matter of immunity, four important factors affect the health of your immune system:

  • Dietary habit,
  • sleep pattern,
  • Thoughts, and
  • Body movement.

Focus on the 4th point. Body movement or exercise can improve the body's immune system, you know! If you eat right, sleep right, and don't stress but don't exercise. Your immune system will be lame, and vice versa.

However, how can you exercise when you are confined at home like this?!

Well! This article will share tips for simple exercise movements that you can do at home, even in your room, to keep your immune system strong.

The key is one: CONSISTENT.

1. Standing Thoracic Expansion

Simple Exercises at Home

It's no secret, working too long can make your shoulders stoop. That's the main benefit of this movement, which is to open the chest and shoulders. In addition, this movement also stretches and relaxes the middle and lower back and the ribs.

Here are the steps:

  • Bring your palms together and stretch them up, then toward your back. Don't forget to puff out your chest and lift your head towards the ceiling.
  • When you almost reach your back, spread your palms apart and extend them as far as you can, then return to the first position.
  • Do 10 reps with 3-5 sets.

This movement also involves stretching the back, which is useful for stretching and relaxing the hip muscles.

2. Supported Squat and Forward Bend

Simple Exercises at Home

If the first movement aims to stretch the chest and shoulders, this one is useful for stretching the hips, back, and hamstrings. For this move, you will need a chair.

  • Hold onto a chair, then squat down as low as you can (don't let it hurt!). This chair serves as a handle for those who have problems with the ankles so they can't squat.
  • Get up, then bend forward with your back straight while your hips are pulled in the opposite direction. Hold for a few seconds. Then return to the starting position.
  • Do 10 reps with 3-5 sets.

3. Supported Side-Bend Lunge

Simple Exercises at Home

You usually only train your arms, legs, chest, and abs? This third movement will stretch both sides of the upper and lower body. Just like the previous movie, you need a chair for this movie.

  • Place a chair in front of your feet. The distance of the feet should be twice the distance of the shoulders.
  • Place the hand from the same side on the chair (if the right foot is the support, then place the right hand and vice versa) or it can be with another tool, then stretch the hand from the opposite side up and try to reach towards the support (if the right foot is the support). , the left-hand stretches to the right side, and vice versa).
  • Try to keep your chest puffy and your back straight, so you can feel the stretch sensation.
  • Hold the position for 3-5 seconds, and return to the original position, changing to the other side of the body.
  • Do five repetitions for each side of the body with 3-5 sets.

4. Plank Twist With Push-Ups

Simple Exercises at Home

As the name implies, this one movement is a combination of push-ups and planks.

"Wow, how heavy is it?!"

Hey, don't get discouraged just yet. This movement is beneficial for training the upper body and flexibility and strength of the middle body.

  • Get into a push-up position, then bend your knees to the floor and lift one hand while your chest opens to the side up.
  • Return to the first position and perform with the hand from the opposite side. That counts as one rep
  • Do 6 - 10 reps with 3-5 sets.

5. Bicycle

Simple Exercises at Home

This simple movement to increase the body's immune system is already known by many people. You can do it in bed. This movement trains the stomach.

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent at the elbows. Support your head with your hands.
  • Lift your shoulders and feet off the floor and start pedalling.
  • Pedal your feet so that your knees meet your elbows from the opposite side (if your right foot is pedalling, your right knee meets your left elbow, and vice versa).
  • Do 15 - 30 reps with 3-5 sets.

"Just like that? Easy!"

Oh, you want a little challenge? That's the spirit! You can start this exercise by lying completely straight (not bending your knees). Then, start doing steps 2 and 3, return to the position lying on your back straight, and repeat.

Those are simple movements you can do at home to strengthen your immune fort. Do not forget! This simple exercise must also be accompanied by a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and a stress-free mind.

Oh yes, one more. Do not force exercise if you feel symptoms of pain. Break! Later, instead of being lucky, it's a stun.

"Stay safe, okay!" and obey health protocols!