5 Facts about Essiac Tea, a Drink Consisting of Four Herbal Ingredients

5 Facts about Essiac Tea, a Drink Consisting of Four Herbal Ingredients

Essiac tea is one of the most popular herbal teas and offers many health benefits. Proponents claim that this tea can kill cancer cells, stimulate immunity, and help detoxify.

This tea is made from four herbal ingredients, including Indian rhubarb root, sheep sorrel, and slippery elm.

Although Essiac Tea is widely reported to provide many healing benefits, scientific research notes insufficient evidence to support its use.

However, there is nothing wrong with drinking this herbal tea. What are the potential benefits that we can get from consuming Essiac tea? Find out more by reading the review below, yes!

1. A popular herbal tea that is said to have anti-cancer properties

5 Facts about Essiac Tea, a Drink Consisting of Four Herbal Ingredients

Essiac tea is made from a blend of herbs claimed to fight cancer, boost immunity, promote detoxification, and reduce inflammation.

In the 1920s, Canadian nurse Rene Caisse promoted Essiac tea as a natural cancer treatment. Caisse did not develop the mixture herself but received it from an acquaintance who stated that using the tonic cured her breast cancer.

Although this tea is still considered a Native American natural remedy, the evidence to support the claim that it can fight cancer is limited.

In addition to having anticancer properties, Essiac tea is also believed to increase detoxification, improve immune function, and reduce inflammation.

2. Rich in antioxidants and potentially anti-inflammatory

5 Facts about Essiac Tea, a Drink Consisting of Four Herbal Ingredients

Essiac tea is rich in antioxidants and is made from a blend of herbs with health-promoting properties.

Test-tube and animal studies published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2006 suggest that Essiac tea is rich in antioxidants and may offer anti-inflammatory properties.

The four basic ingredients of Essiac tea include:

  • Burdock root: according to a 2011 study published in Inflammopharmacology, this root contains compounds that have been shown to improve blood circulation, improve skin texture, and stabilize blood sugar.
  • Slippery elm: a 2014 study published by Intestinal Research, slippery elm is rich in disease-fighting antioxidants and may help treat inflammatory bowel disease
  • Sheep sorrel: also known by its scientific name, Rumex acetosella, sheep sorrel has been shown to have potent antiviral properties in a 2011 Antiviral Research test-tube study.
  • Indian rhubarb: One animal study in The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology in 2018 found that Indian rhubarb is high in antioxidants and can inhibit the growth of liver cancer cells in mice.

3. Research on the anticancer effects of Essiac tea has conflicting results

5 Facts about Essiac Tea, a Drink Consisting of Four Herbal Ingredients

Animal and test-tube studies have shown conflicting results regarding the effects of Essiac tea on the growth and development of cancer cells.

Animal and test-tube studies published in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment in 2006 showed that Essiac tea did not affect cancer cells. In some cases, it can even stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells.

As human studies are currently unavailable, more high-quality research is needed to understand how Essiac tea might affect cancer development in the general population.

4. Side effects to watch out for

5 Facts about Essiac Tea, a Drink Consisting of Four Herbal Ingredients

Essiac tea can cause side effects, including nausea, vomiting, frequent urination, frequent bowel movements, skin problems, flu-like symptoms, headaches, and swollen glands. This tea is also not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Research on animals Breast Cancer Research and Treatment in 2006 also noted that this tea can increase the growth of breast cancer cells.

5. Research on the effectiveness of Essiac tea is still limited

5 Facts about Essiac Tea, a Drink Consisting of Four Herbal Ingredients

Currently, research on Essiac tea is limited. Most of the research on animals and individual cells in the laboratory is not on humans.

In addition, although its effects on cancer have been studied, research on other health claims such as its detoxifying and immune-boosting properties is lacking.

In fact, many of the purported health benefits of Essiac tea stems are based solely on anecdotal reports. Therefore, more research is needed on the potential effects of this tea on health before it can be recommended.

Those are some facts about Essiac tea which consists of four herbal ingredients and is said to have anti-cancer properties. You should first consult with your doctor before taking it, especially if you have certain medical conditions or are undergoing certain drug therapy.